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CMUF 2022.1 Module Pages

1. Landing Page - Welcome Announcement Wording/HTML

<p>Welcome {FirstName},</p>
<p>This Announcement area will be filled with interesting and important information throughout your study from your teachers and TAFE Queensland.</p>
<p>Important information about this unit of study can be found in the<em> </em><a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLD-1898184" target="_self">Unit overview</a>.</p>
<p>You can navigate to the <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLD-1898184" target="_self">Unit overview</a>&nbsp;by clicking My Unit Content in the Navigation Bar at the top of the page, then selecting <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLD-1898184" target="_self">Unit overview</a>&nbsp;from the Table of Contents.</p>

2. Landing Page - Educator’s Please Note Announcement Wording/HTML

<p>You are required to do some housekeeping to this unit prior to release to students.</p>
<p>1. Please update the <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLDDev-2495972" target="_self">Unit Study Guide</a>, found in the Unit Overview module. Make the document visible.</p>
<p>2. Please enable any Intelligent Agents (IA) required.</p>

3. Unit Overview Module Banner Image

4. Unit Overview Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/461791-MO_NSMS_MasterFramework_2022_1_TQM_TQPD/Banner_Images/01_UnitOverview_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p><strong>Hi {FirstName},</strong></p>
<p>Welcome to {OrgUnitName}.</p>
<p><strong>What will I learn?</strong></p>
<p><em>&lt;Insert information from the Unit Descriptor / Application in training package/accredited course. Include legislative/licensing requirements, if applicable. You do NOT need to provide Elements or Performance Criteria&gt;</em></p>
<p><strong>Are there any special requirements?</strong></p>
<p><em>&lt;Insert details of any specific resources required by student, e.g. PPE, texts, calculators, equipment, materials, tools, computer&gt;</em></p>
<p><strong>Where can I get more information?</strong></p>
<p>For further information on your qualification, accredited course or Unit/s of Competency, please go to: <em>&lt;Insert hyperlink to Unit of Competency details from <a rel="noopener" href="/content/enforced/362738-MO_NSMS_MasterFramework_2021_2_TQM_TQPD/"></a> website&gt;</em></p>
<p><strong>What do I need to do to be successful?&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p>You are required to satisfactorily complete all assessments listed in the table below to receive a ‘Competency Achieved’ result for the Unit(s) of Competency. You are responsible for complying with TAFE Queensland’s assessment rules and complete assessment tasks honestly.&nbsp; You need to follow all assessment instructions, including submission details and retain a copy of all assessment items.&nbsp; You must submit assessment on or by the due date, unless an extension has been granted.&nbsp; Failure to submit or complete assessment on or by the due date will result in a “did not submit/sit” (DNS) being recorded (unless there are exceptional circumstances) and you will have five (5) days to submit your second and final attempt. Refer to the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TAFE Queensland Student Rules</a> for details. &nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>How will I be assessed?</strong></p>
<table style="width: 801px;" border="1">
<td style="background-color: #bdbdbd; width: 250.469px;"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Assessment task&nbsp;</strong></span></td>
<td style="background-color: #bdbdbd; width: 261.844px;"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Assessment type and name</strong></span></td>
<td style="background-color: #bdbdbd; width: 266.719px;"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Related Unit/s of Competen</strong><strong>cy</strong></span></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT1</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT2</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT3</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT4</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<p><strong>Refer to your Unit Study Guide or the calendar on your unit homepage for assessment due dates.</strong></p>
<p><strong>What will be covered in each class / session?</strong></p>
<p>Refer to the <strong>Learning Schedule</strong> in the <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLDDev-2495972" target="_self">Unit Study Guide</a>. It provides information about the activities you are required to complete under the supervision of your teacher/trainer, as well as activities to be completed in your own time.&nbsp; This is a guide only and is intended to assist you in completing this unit of study.&nbsp;</p>

5. Unit Study Guide Sub-Module Banner Image

6. Unit Study Guide Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/02_UnitStudyGuide_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>The Unit Study Guide below provides information on what is required and expected of you to complete this unit.&nbsp; It includes what you will learn, any special requirements, and what you need to do to be successful.&nbsp;</p>

7. Learning Content Module Banner Image

8. Learning Content Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/04_LearningContent_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>Lesson content can be found here in the Learning Content area.&nbsp;</p>

9. Learner Guide Sub-Module Banner Image

10. Learner Guide Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/05_LearningContentPDF_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>This area contains a PDF copy of all your learning content which we refer to as a Learner Guide. To grab a copy click through to the PDF document.</p>

11. Glossary Sub-Module Banner Image

12. Glossary Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/06_Glossary_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© 216607930 / Zarya Maxim /</span></p>
<p>Not sure what a term was in the Learning Content area? <br>Check this space for a glossary of terms relating to your content.</p>

13. Acknowledgements Sub-Module Banner Image

14. Additional Content Module Banner Image

15. Additional Content Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/08_AdditionalContent_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>The Additional Content area is a space for your teacher(s) to upload resources to supplement your learning.</p>
<p>Keep a look out in this space for anything new.&nbsp;</p>

16. Assessments Module Banner Image

17. Assessments Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/09_Assessments_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p><strong style="font-size: 0.95rem; letter-spacing: 0.01rem;">Your assessment items for <em>{OrgUnitName}</em> are listed below.<br><br></strong><span style="font-size: 0.95rem; letter-spacing: 0.01rem;">Refer to your Unit Study Guide or the calendar on your unit homepage for assessment due dates.&nbsp;</span><br><strong></strong></p>
<p>Be sure to read the instructions carefully for each item before submitting an attempt.</p>
<p>You will be allowed two attempts at each assessment task. If you do not achieve a <em>Satisfactory</em>&nbsp;grade on your first attempt at an assessment, a task for your second attempt will be made available below.</p>
<p><strong>For these Assessment tasks,&nbsp;you are required to:</strong></p>
<p>Click on the links to your assessment items below and follow the instructions.&nbsp;Your assessment may include a variety of types of assessment e.g. quizzes, written assessment, third party reports, practical assessments, work placement etc.</p>
<p>When answering quiz questions remember to save your work as you go. Once completed&nbsp;submit for marking.</p>
<p>For other assessments download any relevant documents. Complete and submit (upload) the tasks as instructed.&nbsp;</p>
<p>To view your results after your work has been marked, <a rel="noopener" href="{OrgUnitID}" target="_blank">access the Grades tool</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Plagiarism/Originality checking</strong></p>
<p>If you are submitting a written assessment in Connect your assessment may be checked by our online plagiarism checker prior to your teacher marking it. This tool checks your assessment to ensure that it is your own work and produces an originality report that shows how much of a document (assessment/essay/report etc.) is original, cited from other sources, or unoriginal by comparing it to books, journal articles, web pages and other student submissions. After your assessment has been checked a detailed report is generated and delivered to your teacher.</p>

18. Draft Assignment Module Checker Banner Image

19. Draft Assignment Module Checker Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/10_DraftAssignmentChecker_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>The Draft Assignment Checker is where you can use <em>Turnitin</em> to check your <strong>draft assignments</strong> for citation mistakes and originality against a database of online and traditionally published texts, as well as other students’ work. This allows you to check your assignment <strong>prior to</strong> <strong>submission</strong> to your teacher for marking.</p>

20. Access Turnitin Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p>From this page you are able to:</p>
<li>Upload your <strong>draft assignments</strong> for checking by Turnitin prior to submission to your teacher for grading; and</li>
<li><span style="color: #494c4e;">Review Turnitin reports for <strong>all of your submitted assignments</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></li>

21. Student Discussions Module Banner Image

22. Student Discussions Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/11_StudentDiscussion_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>Welcome to the Student Discussions area. Here you can start a thread with your fellow students, think of this space as a hangouts area for you to share with your peers. To get started, click into the Student Forum below and start your own thread!</p>

23. Teacher Share Space Module Banner Image

24. Video Recording and External Participants Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p>If you or students intend to record external participants you/ your student are required to gain consent from any participant who is NOT a TAFE Queensland student or staff member, to record, video, film and/or photograph.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>Video Streaming/ Recording</strong></p>
<p>For video recording you are also required to gain consent from any participant who is NOT a TAFE Queensland student.</p>
<p>Consent may be obtained by either:</p>
<li>Reading aloud the <em>Video Recording Statement</em>(found on the assessment template) at the commencement of the video and asking all participants to respond verbally; or&nbsp;</li>
<li>Using the <a rel="noopener" href=" " target="_blank">Participant Consent Form</a> from Resourcebank (download the form and share with your students).</li>
<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: <em>For participants under the age of 18 years, consent may only be obtained by using the <strong>Participant Consent Form</strong>, which must be signed by the parent or legal guardian.</em></p>

25. Teacher Files Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p><span>Teachers may upload relevant documents as attachments to this discussion group here. Students cannot view this area.</span></p>

26. Teacher Files Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p><span>Teachers may upload relevant documents as attachments to this discussion group here. Students cannot view this area.</span></p>

27. Learning and Teaching Survey Module Banner Image

Virtual Business CMUF 2024.1 Module Pages

1. Landing Page - Welcome Announcement Wording/HTML

<p>Hi {FirstName},</p>
<p>Welcome to unit <strong>{OrgUnitName}</strong>!</p>
<p>Keep an eye on this announcements area as your teachers will use it to keep you updated throughout your study.</p>
<p>If you're new to using Connect, you should check out the <a rel="noopener" href="" title="Connect Student Help" target="_blank">Connect Student Help</a> to help you learn how to navigate your unit and make the best use of Connect’s features.</p>
<p>If you're just getting started with this unit, you should read the important information in the <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLD-1898184" target="_self">Unit overview</a>.</p>
<p>Good luck with your studies!</p>

2. Landing Page - Educator’s Please Note Announcement Wording/HTML

<p>You are required to do some housekeeping to this unit prior to release to students.</p>
<p>1. Please update the <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLDDev-2495972" target="_self">Unit Study Guide</a>, found in the Unit overview module. Make the document visible.</p>
<p>2. Please enable any Intelligent Agents (IA) required.</p>

3. Landing Page - Tutorial Group Announcement Wording/HTML

<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Hey everyone</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Welcome to {OrgUnitName}, we are Group&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">&lt;&lt;insert group identifier&gt;&gt;</span>.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 19px; font-family: Lato, sans-serif;">I'm <span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">&lt;&lt;insert Skills Coach name&gt;&gt;</span>, your personal Skills Coach for this exciting journey.&nbsp; My aim is to arm you with valuable concepts and techniques that which will enhance your business knowledge and skills.&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 19px; font-family: Lato, sans-serif;">As you dive into the materials, you're bound to have questions.&nbsp; Fear not!&nbsp; These tutorial sessions are perfect for clearing up any confusion.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 19px; font-family: Lato, sans-serif;"><strong>Tutorials</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 19px; font-family: Lato, sans-serif;">Our tutorials kick off on <span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">&lt;&lt;insert day and date&gt;&gt;.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">If you haven't already, you can find all the details regarding timings and Zoom links <a rel="noopener" href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLD-3743524" target="_blank">here.</a></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">For those who might have missed it, here's the schedule:</span></p>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38); font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38); font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">&lt;&lt;insert day and time e.g. Tuesday from 8am to 9am&gt;&gt;</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38); font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38); font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">&lt;&lt;insert Zoom link&gt;&gt;</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><strong>One-on-one virtual meetings:</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Additionally, if you need some personalised assistance, I'm available for one-on-one meetings.&nbsp; Just book a 15-minute time slot via <span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">&lt;&lt;insert Microsoft Booking link&gt;&gt;&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">and follow the steps below:</span></span></span></p>
<li style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Once you have accessed my Booking Page, select your preferred meeting time.</span></li>
<li style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Enter your Full Name, Email Address and add any specific topics or questions you wish to discuss during the meeting.</span></li>
<li style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">After entering details, click the "Book" button.&nbsp; You will receive an email confirmation with the details of your meeting.</span></li>
<li style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;"><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">If you need to reschedule or cancel the appointment, you can do so by "Manage Booking" within the confirmation email or calendar event.&nbsp;</span></li>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">And of course, if anything is unclear or you need assistance, shoot me an email at&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">&lt;&lt;insert email address&gt;&gt;.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Wishing you all an enriching journey with TAFE!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">Warm regards,</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 19px;">&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">&lt;&lt;insert Skills Coach name&gt;&gt;</span></span></p>

4. Unit Overview Module Banner Image


5. Unit Overview Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/banner/02_UnitStudyGuide_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p><strong> Hi {FirstName} </strong></p>
<p>Welcome to {OrgUnitName}</p>
<p><strong> What will I learn? </strong></p>
<p><em> &lt;Insert information from the Unit Descriptor / Application in training package/accredited course. Include legislative/licensing requirements, if applicable. You do NOT need to provide Elements or Performance Criteria&gt; </em></p>
<p><strong> Are there any special requirements? </strong></p>
<p><em> &lt;Insert details of any specific resources required by student, e.g. PPE, texts, calculators, equipment, materials, tools, computer&gt; </em></p>
<p><strong> Where can I get more information? </strong></p>
<p>For further information on your qualification, accredited course or Unit/s of Competency, please go to: <em> &lt;Insert hyperlink to Unit of Competency details from <a rel="noopener" href="/content/enforced/366509-CM_MAR_CLS_MARF_027_030_TQM_01/"> </a> website&gt; </em></p>
<p><strong> What do I need to do to be successful? </strong></p>
<p>You are required to satisfactorily complete all assessments listed in the table below to be receive a ‘Competency Achieved’ result for the Unit(s) of Competency. You are responsible for complying with TAFE Queensland’s assessment rules and complete assessment tasks honestly.&nbsp; You need to follow all assessment instructions, including submission details and retain a copy of all assessment items.&nbsp; You must submit assessment on or by the due date, unless an extension has been granted.&nbsp; Failure to submit or complete assessment on or by the due date will result in a “did not submit/sit” (DNS) being recorded (unless there are exceptional circumstances) and you will have five (5) days to submit your second and final attempt. Refer to the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"> TAFE Queensland Student Rules </a> for details.</p>
<p><strong> How will I be assessed? </strong></p>
<table border="1" style="width: 801px;">
<td style="background-color: rgb(189, 189, 189); width: 250.469px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <strong> Assessment task </strong> </span></td>
<td style="background-color: rgb(189, 189, 189); width: 261.844px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <strong> Assessment type and name </strong> </span></td>
<td style="background-color: rgb(189, 189, 189); width: 266.719px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <strong> Related Unit/s of Competency </strong> </span></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT1</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT2</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT3</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<td style="padding-left: 30px; width: 221.469px;">AT4</td>
<td style="width: 261.844px;"></td>
<td style="width: 266.719px;"></td>
<p><strong> Refer to your Unit Study Guide or the calendar on your unit homepage for assessment due dates.</strong></p>
<p><strong><span><span dir="ltr">How do I access support?</span></span></strong></p>
<p><span><span dir="ltr">For support throughout your studies, including Learning support, &nbsp;Counselling services, AccessAbilty and Indigenous support, library services and more, visit our <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Student Support page</a>. We're here to help you succeed!</span></span></p>
<p><strong> What will be covered in each class / session? </strong></p>
<p>Refer to the <strong> Learning Schedule </strong> in the <strong> Unit Study Guide </strong> below. It provides information about the activities you are required to complete under the supervision your teacher/trainer, as well as activities to be completed in your own time.&nbsp; This is a guide only and is intended to assist you in completing this unit of study.</p>

6. Unit Study Guide Sub-Module Banner Image


7. Unit Study Guide Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/banner/Banner-vbc-feature-active-teacher.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>The Unit Study Guide below provides information on what is required and expected of you to complete this unit. It includes what you will learn, any special requirements, and what you need to do to be successful.</p>

8. Learning Content Module Banner Image


9. Learning Content Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/banner/Benner-Nursing.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>Lesson content can be found here in the Learning content area.</p>

10. Learner Guide Sub-Module Banner Image


11. Learner Guide Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/05_LearningContentPDF_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>This area contains a PDF copy of all your learning content which we refer to as a Learner Guide. To grab a copy click through to the PDF document.</p>

12. Glossary Sub-Module Banner Image


13. Glossary Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/Connect_framework/banner_img/06_Glossary_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© 216607930 / Zarya Maxim /</span></p>
<p>Not sure what a term was in the Learning Content area? <br>Check this space for a glossary of terms relating to your content.</p>

14. Acknowledgements Sub-Module Banner Image


15. Weekly activities Image


16A. Virtual classroom icon


16B. Virtual classroom icon


16C. Virtual classroom icon


16D. Virtual classroom icon


16E. Virtual classroom icon


16F. Time Budget Banner Image


17. Weekly activities Wording/HTML

<h3>This page provides an overview of how your course is structured.</h3>
<p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/student-learning-activities.png" alt="Student learning activities graphic" width="568" height="532"></p>
<h3>Your participation</h3>
      <td><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/icon-virtual-classroom.png" alt="icon-virtual-classroom" width="150" height="150"></td>
        <h2>Virtual classroom</h2>
        <p>Engage in real-time, interactive sessions with teachers and peers to enhance your understanding of course material in a dynamic, online environment. All sessions are recorded, so you can access on demand at a time that suits you.</p>
      <td><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/icon-self-directed-learning.png" alt="icon-self-directed-learning" width="150" height="150"></td>
        <p>Take control of your learning pace and style with self-directed online resources, allowing you to study at your own convenience and tailor your experience to your unique needs. In addition to attending (or watching recordings) online virtual classroom sessions, time each week will be required to be allocated to complete self-directed learning.</p>
      <td><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/icon-discussion-board.png" alt="icon-discussion-board" width="150" height="150"></td>
        <h2>Discussion boards</h2>
        <p>Collaborate and exchange ideas with fellow students, be part of your learning community and gain insights through online discussions.</p>
      <td> </td>
        <h2> </h2>
      <td><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/icon-tutorials.png" alt="icon-tutorials" width="150" height="150"></td>
        <p>Engage with your dedicated Skills Coach (tutor) in hands-on group tutorials designed to reinforce key concepts and guide your learning journey, and be supported when you require additional assistance. </p>
      <td> </td>
        <h2> </h2>
      <td><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/icon-assessment.png" alt="icon-assessment" width="150" height="150"></td>
        <p>Time each week needs to be allocated to making progress with a variety of assessment tasks, ensuring mastery of the course content and opportunity to receive valuable feedback on your performance.</p>
<h1>Time budget</h1>
<p>A time budget provides you with a guide to the suggested timeframes to allocate to each type of activity. </p>
<p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/time-budget.png" alt="time-budget"></p>

18. Week Module Time budget icon


19. Week Module Time budget Wording/HTML

<table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border-width: 0px; border-style: hidden; height: 140.824px;"><colgroup><col style="width: 21.6117%;"><col style="width: 78.3883%;"></colgroup>
<tr style="height: 140.824px;">
<td style="border-width: 0px; height: 140.824px;"><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/pic0_20230821231156.png" width="132" height="132"></td>
<td style="border-width: 0px; height: 140.824px;">
<h3>Time budget</h3>
<p>Plan how much time you will spend on each activity this week.&nbsp;</p>

20. Self-directed learning Banner Image


21A Readings icon


21B Activities icon


21C Podcasts icon


21D Discussions icon


22. Self-directed learning Wording/HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <title>Self-directed learning</title>
  <p> </p>
  <p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/content/01-Weekly_activities/../../images/banner-self-directed-learning.png" alt="banner-self-directed-learning"> © TAFE Queensland.</p>
          <p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/content/01-Weekly_activities/../../images/Icon-reading.png" alt="Icon-reading"></p>
          <p> <strong>Please delete red text before releasing to students</strong>.</p>
          <p> The following structure is to be used. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</p>
            <li> Review interactive learning content:</li>
              <li> Link to SCORM files</li>
              <li> Link to SCORM files</li>
            <li> Individual PDF Learner Guides (Link to Learner Guide in Shell) are a duplication of readings above and are made available for students who may like to print materials:</li>
              <li> Section ABC - page x to x</li>
              <li> Section XYZ - page x to x</li>
          <p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/content/01-Weekly_activities/../../images/Icon-activities.png" alt="Icon-activities"></p>
          <p> <strong>Please delete red text before releasing to students</strong>.</p>
          <p> The following structure is to be used. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</p>
            <li> Complete:</li>
              <li> Activity ABC</li>
              <li> Activity XYZ (hyperlink to activities, content or discussion boards where appropriate)</li>
            <li> Watch:</li>
              <li> Video 1 title (hyperlink to source)</li>
              <li> Video 2 title (hyperlink to source</li>
          <p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/content/01-Weekly_activities/../../images/Icon-podcast.png" alt="Icon-podcast"></p>
          <p> <strong>Please delete red text before releasing to students</strong>.</p>
          <p> Hyperlink to Podcast. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</p>
  <h3>Discussion boards</h3>
          <p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/content/01-Weekly_activities/../../images/Icon-discussion.png" alt="Icon-discussion"></p>
          <p> <strong>Please delete red text before releasing to students.</strong></p>
          <p> Hyperlink to Discussion boards only detailed within activity section above, or add quick overview of discussion board and hyperlink to it. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</p>
  <p>© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
  <p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a href="javascript:void(0);">version info</a></p>
  <p><strong>Repo:</strong> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
  <p><strong>Last commit:</strong> 53ad021</p>
  <p><strong>Template:</strong> 2.1.0</p>
  <p><strong>Framework:</strong> 0.7.4</p>
  <p><strong>Bootstrap:</strong> 3.3.7</p>
  <p><strong>jQuery:</strong> 1.12.4</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-checklist:</strong> 0.3.0</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-dragdrop:</strong> 0.2.10</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-flipcard:</strong> 0.2.6</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-flipcarousel:</strong> 0.2.3</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-matching:</strong> 0.2.4</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-quiz:</strong> 0.2.17</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-showhide:</strong> 0.1.25</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-sortable:</strong> 0.2.5</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-tooltip:</strong> 0.1.7</p>
  <p><strong>interactivity-zoompan:</strong> 0.1.5</p>
  <p><strong>vimeo-playlist:</strong> 0.1.3</p>

23. Virtual classroom Banner Image


24. Virtual classroom Wording/HTML

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<h3 class="headingLine">In class this week:</h3>
<!-- Table -->
<table class="table table-bordered boxShadow" style="width: 100%;"><!-- Table Header  -->
<thead class="VirTable">
<th style="width: 30% !important;">Session</th>
<th>Learning objectives</th>
<!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;">Session 1</td>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Learning objectives to be written using Blooms Taxonomy.</span></li>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">No more than 5 per session.</span></li>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Use bullets to distinguish them.</span></li>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></li>
<!-- Row 2 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;">Session 2</td>
<!-- Row 3 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;">Session 3</td>
<!-- End Table --> <!-- Table -->
<table class="table table-bordered boxShadow" style="width: 100%;"><!-- Table Header  -->
<thead class="VirTable">
<th style="width: 30% !important;">Learning Links</th>
<!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="width: 30%; background-color: #f9fafb !important;">
<p><strong>Zoom link:</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Add zoom link here. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
<!-- Row 2 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;">
<p><strong>Class recordings:</strong></p>
<p>(will be added here when available)</p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Hyperlink to class recordings. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
<!-- Row 3 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;">
<p><strong>PowerPoint presentations:</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Hyperlink to PDF PowerPoint presentations. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
<!-- Row 4 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;">
<p><strong>Additional class resources:</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Hyperlink to any additional class resource here. Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
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<p class="no-margin-bottom">© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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25. Tutorials Banner Image


26. Tutorials Wording/HTML

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<h3 class="headingLine">Tutorials topics:</h3>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Add tutorial topics in bullet points here.</span></li>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></li>
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<table class="table table-bordered boxShadow"><!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;" class="middle-just"><a href="/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=658789&amp;type=content&amp;rcode=TAFEQLD-4154409" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Tutorial information<i class="tqi tqi-extlink tq-extlink small text-muted">(this is an external link and opens in a new window)</i></a></td>
<li>What time your tutorials are scheduled.</li>
<li>Contact details for your Skills Coach. They are here to support your studies!</li>
<li>Tutorial recordings.</li>
<!-- End Table --> <!-- End of content block --></div>
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<p class="no-margin-bottom">© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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28. Assessments Banner Image


29. Assessments Wording/HTML

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<h3 class="headingLine">Please aim to finish these tasks by the end of the week:</h3>
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">e.g. Assessment task 1 (AT1) Part A: 1, 2, 3.</span></li>
<li>&nbsp;<span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.&lt;</span></li>
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<p class="no-margin-bottom">© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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30. Discussion boards Banner Image


31. Assessments Wording/HTML

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<h3 class="headingLine">Links to Discussion Boards relevant to this week:</h3>
<!-- Table -->
<table class="table table-bordered boxShadow" style="width: 100%;"><!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="width: 20%; background-color: #f9fafb;" class="middle-just">Assessment</td>
<p><strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>Seek clarification on assessment tasks <span class="redText">hyperlink to Assessment discussion.</span></p>
<p><span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
<!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;" class="middle-just">Learning</td>
<p><strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>Collaborate with your peers <span class="redText">hyperlink to Student to Student discussion, and any discussion board that formed part of the learning activities this week. </span></p>
<p><span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
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<p class="no-margin-bottom">© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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32. Discussion boards Banner Image


33. Assessments Wording/HTML

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<h3 class="headingLine">Links to Discussion Boards relevant to this week:</h3>
<!-- Table -->
<table class="table table-bordered boxShadow" style="width: 100%;"><!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="width: 20%; background-color: #f9fafb;" class="middle-just">Assessment</td>
<p><strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>Seek clarification on assessment tasks <span class="redText">hyperlink to Assessment discussion.</span></p>
<p><span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
<!-- Row 1 Content -->
<td style="background-color: #f9fafb;" class="middle-just">Learning</td>
<p><strong><span class="redText">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>Collaborate with your peers <span class="redText">hyperlink to Student to Student discussion, and any discussion board that formed part of the learning activities this week. </span></p>
<p><span class="redText">Font 'Lato' Size '16px'.</span></p>
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<p class="no-margin-bottom">© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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34. Tutorial Information Wording/HTML

<p><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/virtual-classroom/images/banner-tutorials.png" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"></p>
<p><strong><span style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Please delete red text before releasing to students</span></strong>.</p>
<p><span lang="EN-US">All students will be added to a tutorial group from the following options:</span></p>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group A - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group B - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group C - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group D - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group E - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group F - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group G - [Day / time]</span></li>
<li style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(205, 32, 38);">Group H - [Day / time]</span><span lang="EN-US" style="color: rgb(69, 0, 219);"></span></li>
<p><span lang="EN-US">You will get a communication from your personal Skills Coach when that happens.&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span lang="EN-US">When you have been allocated to a group, tutorial information, with links and times, for the duration of {OrgUnitName} will be seen below.</span></p>

35. Weekly Tutorial recordings Wording/HTML

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		<title>Weekly tutorial recordings</title>
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<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 1</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 2</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 3</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 4</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 5</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 6</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 7</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 8</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 9</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 10</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 11</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 12</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 13</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 14</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 15</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 16</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 17</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 18</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 19</div>
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<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
<div class="week-container">
<div class="week-tab">Week 20</div>
<div class="content-box">
<p>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;">[insert recording link]</span></p>
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<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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36. Group X Tutorial Wording/HTML

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<p><strong><span style="color: #e31b23;">Please delete red text before releasing to students.</span></strong></p>
<p>Hi, my name is <span style="color: #e31b23;">&lt;&lt;Insert Name&gt;&gt;</span> and I am your personal Skills Coach, here to support you in your studies.</p>
<h4>My contact details:</h4>
<ul class="">
<li>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;"> &lt;&lt;insert email address&gt;&gt;</span></li>
<h4>Tutorial times for our group:</h4>
<li>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;"> &lt;&lt;insert tutorial times&gt;&gt;</span></li>
<h4>Zoom link to our tutorial:</h4>
<li>&nbsp;<span style="color: #e31b23;"> &lt;&lt;insert tutorial zoom link&gt;&gt;</span></li>
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<p class="no-margin-bottom">© TAFE Queensland 2024</p>
<p>Last updated: 27th October 2024 v: 0.0.5 - <a id="tq-unit-version-modal-trigger" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm" title="Version info" tabindex="0">version info</a> <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".tq-unit-version-modal-sm">Small modal</button> --></p>
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">virtual-classroom-framework.git</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Repo:</b> virtual-classroom-framework.git</p>
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Last commit:</b> 53ad021</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left  no-margin-bottom"><b>Template:</b> 2.1.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Framework:</b> 0.7.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>Bootstrap:</b> 3.3.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>jQuery:</b> 1.12.4</p>
<hr class="tq-top-margin-lhc-half tq-bottom-margin-lhc-half">
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-checklist:</b> 0.3.0</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-dragdrop:</b> 0.2.10</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcard:</b> 0.2.6</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-flipcarousel:</b> 0.2.3</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-matching:</b> 0.2.4</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-quiz:</b> 0.2.17</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-showhide:</b> 0.1.25</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-sortable:</b> 0.2.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-tooltip:</b> 0.1.7</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>interactivity-zoompan:</b> 0.1.5</p>
<p class="small text-left no-margin-bottom"><b>vimeo-playlist:</b> 0.1.3</p>
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37. Discussion boards Banner Image


38. Discussion boards Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/658789-MO_NSMS_VCMasterFramework_2024_1_TQM_TQPD/banner/Banner-Accounting_CS_ONLINE.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>Welcome to the Student discussions area.</p>

39. Discussion Question mark image


40. General questions to the teaching team Wording/HTML

<p><img height="276" width="276" title="" alt="" src=";d2lSessionVal=wAwKWxTZ2Oyo3tNVtJZ7CoVtD"><a rel="noopener" href=";prev_url=detail"></a></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10px;"><a rel="noopener" href=";prev_url=detail">pathdoc</a>/ used with permission&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p>
<p>Questions? 'Start new thread' and post your question. Check questions from others first.&nbsp;</p>

41. Discussion Question mark image


42. Assessment discussion page Wording/HTML

<p>Ask questions or seek clarification on assessment tasks by adding to the discussion threads below.</p>

43. Assessment discussion page WATCH THIS SPACE IMAGE


44. Assessment Discussion Task Video Wording/HTML

<p><img src=";d2lSessionVal=tSCvoGggMxh0x6vWDh35L4HGG" style="max-width: 100%;"></p>
<p>Watch the assessment explainer video to better understand how to approach each assessment task. &nbsp;</p>
<p>Ask questions by clicking “start a thread” or add comments to an existing thread. &nbsp;Teachers will be checking posts and contributing to discussions.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Use<img src=";d2lSessionVal=0Jkkb38ONYIlnrnyIMoBuToPC">to be notified that new comments have been added.</p>

45. Learning discussion page Wording/HTML

<p>Engage in teacher-created discussions to enhance your learning.</p>

46. Student to student discussion page Wording/HTML

<p>Here you can start a thread with your fellow students. Think of this space as a hangouts area for you to share with your peers.</p>

45. Learning discussion page Wording/HTML

<p>Engage in teacher-created discussions to enhance your learning.</p>

1. Learner Guide Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/05_LearningContentPDF_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>This area contains a PDF copy of all your learning content which we refer to as a Learner

Assessments Module Banner Image

12. Assessments Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/09_Assessments_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p><strong style="font-size: 0.95rem; letter-spacing: 0.01rem;">Your assessment items for <em>{OrgUnitName}</em> are listed below.<br><br></strong><span style="font-size: 0.95rem; letter-spacing: 0.01rem;">Refer to your Unit Study Guide or the calendar on your unit homepage for assessment due dates.&nbsp;</span><br><strong></strong></p>
<p>Be sure to read the instructions carefully for each item before submitting an attempt.</p>
<p>You will be allowed two attempts at each assessment task. If you do not achieve a <em>Satisfactory</em>&nbsp;grade on your first attempt at an assessment, a task for your second attempt will be made available below.</p>
<p><strong>For these Assessment tasks,&nbsp;you are required to:</strong></p>
<p>Click on the links to your assessment items below and follow the instructions.&nbsp;Your assessment may include a variety of types of assessment e.g. quizzes, written assessment, third party reports, practical assessments, work placement etc.</p>
<p>When answering quiz questions remember to save your work as you go. Once completed&nbsp;submit for marking.</p>
<p>For other assessments download any relevant documents. Complete and submit (upload) the tasks as instructed.&nbsp;</p>
<p>To view your results after your work has been marked, <a rel="noopener" href="{OrgUnitID}" target="_blank">access the Grades tool</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Plagiarism/Originality checking</strong></p>
<p>If you are submitting a written assessment in Connect your assessment may be checked by our online plagiarism checker prior to your teacher marking it. This tool checks your assessment to ensure that it is your own work and produces an originality report that shows how much of a document (assessment/essay/report etc.) is original, cited from other sources, or unoriginal by comparing it to books, journal articles, web pages and other student submissions. After your assessment has been checked a detailed report is generated and delivered to your teacher.</p>

13. Draft Assignment Module Checker Banner Image

14. Draft Assignment Module Checker Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/10_DraftAssignmentChecker_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>The Draft Assignment Checker is where you can use <em>Turnitin</em> to check your <strong>draft assignments</strong> for citation mistakes and originality against a database of online and traditionally published texts, as well as other students’ work. This allows you to check your assignment <strong>prior to</strong> <strong>submission</strong> to your teacher for marking.</p>


15. Access Turnitin Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p>From this page you are able to:</p>
<li>Upload your <strong>draft assignments</strong> for checking by Turnitin prior to submission to your teacher for grading; and</li>
<li><span style="color: #494c4e;">Review Turnitin reports for <strong>all of your submitted assignments</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></li>


16. Student Discussions Module Banner Image

17. Student Discussions Module Wording/HTML

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/11_StudentDiscussion_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p>
<p>Welcome to the Student Discussions area. Here you can start a thread with your fellow students, think of this space as a hangouts area for you to share with your peers. To get started, click into the Student Forum below and start your own thread!</p>

18. Teacher Share Space Module Banner Image

19. Video Recording and External Participants Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p>If you or students intend to record external participants you/ your student are required to gain consent from any participant who is NOT a TAFE Queensland student or staff member, to record, video, film and/or photograph.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>Video Streaming/ Recording</strong></p>
<p>For video recording you are also required to gain consent from any participant who is NOT a TAFE Queensland student.</p>
<p>Consent may be obtained by either:</p>
<li>Reading aloud the <em>Video Recording Statement</em>(found on the assessment template) at the commencement of the video and asking all participants to respond verbally; or&nbsp;</li>
<li>Using the <a rel="noopener" href=" " target="_blank">Participant Consent Form</a> from Resourcebank (download the form and share with your students).</li>
<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: <em>For participants under the age of 18 years, consent may only be obtained by using the <strong>Participant Consent Form</strong>, which must be signed by the parent or legal guardian.</em></p>

20. Teacher Files Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p><span>Teachers may upload relevant documents as attachments to this discussion group here. Students cannot view this area.</span></p>

21. Teacher Files Sub-Module Wording/HTML

<p><span>Teachers may upload relevant documents as attachments to this discussion group here. Students cannot view this area.</span></p>

22. Learning and Teaching Survey Module Banner Image

Assessment Instructions

1. Knowledge Questions/ Quiz - No file submission required

<p>This quiz has been designed to assess your knowledge. You are required to answer all questions. The conditions under which this quiz is to be completed is as outlined below:</p>
<li>There may be different types of questions you will need to answer.</li>
<li>You have up to two (2) attempts to answer all questions satisfactorily.</li>
<li>If you do not answer all questions satisfactorily in your first attempt, you will receive an '<em>Unsatisfactory</em>' result. A second (and final), attempt for the quiz will be made available to you.</li>
<li>You will only be required to re-attempt the questions that were marked unsatisfactory in your first attempt.</li>
<li>You need to speak to your Teacher and review the incorrect answers before you complete your second (and final) attempt.<br /> </li>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

2. Knowledge Questions/ Quiz - File submission required (1st Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

3. Knowledge Questions/ Quiz - File submission required (2nd Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

4. Written Assignment (1st Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task and the Assessment Marking Criteria.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

5. Written Assignment (2nd Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task and the Assessment Marking Criteria.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

6. Observation of Performance - Single (1st Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder and download any relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<em>Assessment Criteria</em>&rsquo; sections of the Observation Checklist.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload any completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the ‘<em>Submit</em>’ button. You can only upload documents once per attempt. If you do not need to upload to any documents and/or files, this step can be skipped.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your practical assessment and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

7. Observation of Performance - Single (2nd Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder and download any relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<em>Assessment Criteria</em>&rsquo; sections of the Observation Checklist<em>.</em></li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload any completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt. If you do not need to upload to any documents and/or files, this step can be skipped.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your practical assessment and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

8. Observation of Performance - Multiple

<p>Please follow the instructions to access your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder and download any relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<em>Assessment Criteria</em>&rsquo; sections of the Observation Checklist.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload any completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt. If you do not need to upload to any documents and/or files, this step can be skipped.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your practical assessment and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available. If you do not achieve a &lsquo;</strong><strong><em>Satisfactory&rsquo;</em></strong><strong> for your second attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

9. Portfolio - No Observation Required - (1st Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task and the Assessment Marking Criteria.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

10. Portfolio - No Observation Required - (2nd Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task and the Assessment Marking Criteria.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

11. Portfolio - Observation Required - (1st Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria, the Observation Checklist and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria and the Observation Checklist.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

12. Portfolio - Observation Required - (2nd Attempt)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria, the Observation Checklist and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Carefully read the &lsquo;<em>Instructions to Students</em>&rsquo; section of the Assessment Task, the Assessment Marking Criteria and the Observation Checklist.</li>
<li>Complete the Assessment Task as instructed.</li>
<li>Upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will review then grade your submission and provide you feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

13. Third Party Report - File Submission (Attempt 1)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task - Practical Observation (Third Party) PART A and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Complete the task as instructed with your Workplace Supervisor/s.</li>
<li>If documents and/or files are required for the task, upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will complete the Assessment Task -Practical Observation (Third Party) PART B by contacting your Workplace Supervisor/s for verification of the task you have completed and contact you to ask questions about the task you completed. The Teacher will grade your submission and provide you feedback using the Assessment Task -Practical Observation (Third Party) PART B.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

14. Third Party Report - File Submission (Attempt 2)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task:</p>
<li>Access the Assessment Task within the folder.</li>
<li>Locate the Assessment Task - Practical Observation (Third Party) PART A and any other relevant documents attached to the assessment instructions. Download and save them to your device.</li>
<li>Complete the task as instructed with your Workplace Supervisor/s.</li>
<li>If documents and/or files are required for the task, upload ALL completed documents and/or files for your assessment before clicking the &lsquo;<em>Submit</em>&rsquo; button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.</li>
<li>Your Teacher will complete the Assessment Task -Practical Observation (Third Party) PART B by contacting your Workplace Supervisor/s for verification of the task you have completed and contact you to ask questions about the task you completed. The Teacher will grade your submission and provide you feedback using the Assessment Task -Practical Observation (Third Party) PART B.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a &lsquo;<em>Satisfactory</em>&rsquo; grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

15. eProfile Assessment

<p>This assessment is observed through your eProfile. Submission of your eProfile will be reviewed by your Assessor and evidence submitted will allow satisfactory completion of this assessment.</p>

16. Work Placement Student Logbook

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task - Work Placement Student Logbook:</p>
<li>Access your <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>.</li>
<li>Carefully read the introductory information provided within the <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>.</li>
<li>Locate the relevant unit or cluster within the <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>&nbsp;and review the task instructions.</li>
<li>Complete the relevant task/s with your Placement Provider and collect any required documents and/or files.</li>
<li>Have your Workplace Supervisor/s sign in the relevant section for the unit/cluster.</li>
<li>Upload the Work Placement Student Logbook and any of the requested Supporting Evidence (if applicable) before clicking the <em><strong>Submit</strong></em>&nbsp;button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.<br><strong>Note:</strong> When submitting the Work Placement Student Logbook you must ensure the following sections are included:
<li><em>Workplace Supervisor Log</em></li>
<li><em>Placement Activity Log</em> (the checklist for this unit/cluster from each of the relevant parts)</li>
<li><em>Log of Hours</em> (ensuring you have completed the required hours for this unit/cluster, if applicable)</li>
<li><em>Reflection</em> (if required).</li>
<li>Your teacher will review your submission, complete any of the required components of your <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em> and contact the Workplace Supervisor for verifications. Your teacher will then grade your submission and provide feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a <em>Satisfactory</em> grade during this attempt, a second attempt for this assessment will be made available.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

16. a) WPL Attempt 2 (if required)

<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task - Work Placement Student Logbook:</p>
<li>Access your <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>.</li>
<li>Carefully read the introductory information provided within the <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>.</li>
<li>Locate the relevant unit or cluster within the <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>&nbsp;and review the task instructions.</li>
<li>Complete the relevant task/s with your Placement Provider and collect any required documents and/or files.</li>
<li>Have your Workplace Supervisor/s sign in the relevant section for the unit/cluster.</li>
<li>Upload the Work Placement Student Logbook and any of the requested Supporting Evidence (if applicable) before clicking the <em><strong>Submit</strong></em>&nbsp;button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.<br><strong>Note:</strong> When submitting the Work Placement Student Logbook you must ensure the following sections are included:
<li><em>Workplace Supervisor Log</em></li>
<li><em>Placement Activity Log</em> (the checklist for this unit/cluster from each of the relevant parts)</li>
<li><em>Log of Hours</em> (ensuring you have completed the required hours for this unit/cluster, if applicable)</li>
<li><em>Reflection</em> (if required).</li>
<li>Your teacher will review your submission, complete any of the required components of your <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em> and contact the Workplace Supervisor for verifications. Your teacher will then grade your submission and provide feedback.</li>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>
<p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p>

16. b) WPL Rubric text


  1. Nominated Workplace Supervisor


I have contacted the nominated Workplace Supervisor/s regarding the workplace tasks/skills and verified the student has performed the tasks/skills to an appropriate industry standard.


  1. Work Placement Student Logbook Performance


The information contained within the Work Placement Student Logbook indicates that the student has satisfactorily performed the tasks/skills outlined for this unit/cluster.

17. Knowledge Questions - On Paper Submission (Attempt 1)

<p>This assessment will be conducted offline under exam conditions.</p>
<p>Your Teacher will grade your assessment and provide you feedback.</p>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a ‘<em>Satisfactory</em>’ grade during your first attempt, a second attempt for this Assessment Task will be made available.</strong></p>

18. Knowledge Questions - On Paper Submission (Attempt 2)

<p>This assessment will be conducted offline under exam conditions.</p>
<p>Your Teacher will grade your assessment and provide you feedback.</p>
<p><strong>If you do not achieve a ‘<em>Satisfactory</em>’ grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p>


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