Last updated
The below outlines the best practice when creating Third Party Staff accounts within Connect.
Note: Below format is based on the current IAM Staff Provisioning username policy for regional staff types.
Username format
Below outlines the username format of Third Party staff account. It is made up of a Third Party designation, Last name, First name initial and a number for uniqueness if required.
Format | Example name | Example username |
x (Third Party account designation) + Last name (first 7 characters) + First name initial + Number (if required) | John Doe | xDoeJ1 |
Variation applies when there are multiple Third Party staff members with the same name. Where variation has been identified the username numeric increment will need to be added and begin from 1.
Example name | Example username |
John Doe | xDoeJ |
John Doe | xDoeJ1 |
John Doe | xDoeJ2 |
Additional variations can apply when the last name is greater than 7 characters. Where this occurs the username should contain a maximum of the first 7 characters of the last name.
Example name | Example username |
John Doe | xDoeJ |
Chloe Winters | xWintersC |
Phyllis Velazquez | xVelazquP |
Below outlines the roles applied to Third Party staff accounts. This consists of enrolling the user on a “Staff” role at the organisation level and a “Facilitator” role at the unit level.
Role | Org unit type |
Staff | Organisation |
Facilitator | Unit Offering |