Give each learner a random set of quiz questions

Give each learner a random set of quiz questions

To provide learners with a unique set of questions

  1. On the navbar, click Quizzes.
  2. On the Manage Quizzes page, click on the quiz where you want to add a question pool.
  3. Click Add/Edit Questions.
  4. From the New button, click Question Pool.
  5. Enter a Question Pool Title, the Number of Questions to Select, and the Points per Question.
  6. Click Browse Question Library.
  7. Select from the existing questions in the Question Library, and click Add.
  8. Click Save > Done Editing Questions.

Watch how to create a quiz with a random set of questions

About random sections

You can create random sections in quizzes to distribute a unique set of questions to individual users. Random sections pull questions from a designated pool of questions stored in the question library.
Since you can only access random sections within quizzes, you must create a quiz before you can create its random sections. You can import an infinite number of questions from Question Library into each random section, but you cannot create new questions within random section folders.
Managing random sections (renaming, reordering, deleting) is similar to managing quiz questions except you cannot publish random sections.

About question pools

Question pools allow you to create quizzes with randomized questions while using the new Question Creation Experience. Question pools are an effective way to prevent cheating on quizzes as they ensure each learner receives a unique set of questions. Once you have entered a title, the number of questions to select, and the points per question for your question pool, you can browse the Question Library or existing quizzes, surveys, and self-assessments, to select the desired questions. It is recommended that you organize your Question Library to include a section for each quiz. This makes it easier to locate the correct questions during the question pool creation process. A dynamic preview is automatically generated when questions are imported into a question pool. The preview allows instructors to quickly get an idea of how the question pool appear to learners when taking the quiz.

Converting random sections to question pools

When you opt in to the new quiz creation experience, all existing random sections convert to question pools. This does not change the quiz taking experience for learners.
In some cases, the system prompts you to move content from a former random section into a parent section. This occurs when either of the following conditions are met:

  • the random section settings have Show Section Name selected
  • the random section message field contains information

When you convert the random section, the title and message information moves to a parent section, and the randomization settings and questions move to a question pool nested inside that parent section.