Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

TAFE Qld Masters



This is the unit of competency code. Not required for Micro-Credential units.


Variations apply where an alternate version of a TAFE Queensland Master (State or Regional) exists for use in delivery to a specific cohort. The 'base' Master is not denoted as a variation, however it is considered as VarA, therefore an initial variation would be denoted as VarB.
As the variation will likely be based heavily on the base Master, the TQM version numbers will be kept in sync as updates are made to the base Master.


UnitCode: MO_MTM40211_FDFAU4001A_VarB_TQM_01
UnitName: MTM40211 (FDFAU4001A Assess compliance with food safety programs) TAFE@Schools TQM01

VC (Virtual Classroom)

VC is used as a Variation to identify Virtual Classroom Masters (eg. for use with the Virtual Business College)


This indicates that this unit is a TAFE Queensland Master.


Cluster Unit Name: SIS40313 (SISOCNE305A/SISOCNE303A Canoeing Skills) TQEC01


Format: MO_<MCCCode>_<MicroType>_<RegionID>_<YearSem_Vers>

Unit Code: MO_MCC00014_TQM_01

Unit Name: Cyber Security Essentials

Course Hubs

Format: CHM_<QualCode>_<HubType(s)>_<RegionCode>_Release#


Unit Name: CHC50421 (Diploma of Youth Work Placement Hub) TQB01


Format: RPLMMO_RPL_PLM_<QualCode>_<RegionCode>_Release#

Unit Code: RPLMMO_RPL_CHC50421_TQBN_01

Unit Name: CHC50421 (Diploma of Youth Work - RPL) TQBN01

Format: RPL_<QualCode>_<RegionCode>_<YearSem_Version>

Unit Code: RPL_CHC50421_TQBN_2407_01

Unit Name: CHC50421 (Diploma of Youth Work) 2024 RPL TQB Delivery

Professional Development

Format: PDM_<Industry/TeamName/OtherName>_<Code>_<RegionCode>_Release#


R denotes the unit was created from Regional product. M denotes the unit was created from Master product.


Used to identify master units created to assist with gathering RPL materials.

Qualification (Program) Code/Micro-Credential Course Code:


This is the unit of competency code. Not required for Micro-Credential units.


Micro-Credential units only.

Used to define the Type of Micro-Credential. To be ordered alphabetically.

B - Badged via Credentialate
P - Paid
X - External

Multiple Types can be used as necessary eg. _BP_ = a Badged (via Credentialate) and Paid MCC unit.

These flags will cause backend processes to interface with the identified units and for students to receive email variations. Do not set these flags unless you are sure they are accurate for the unit you are creating and that they need to be set.


Indicates the Region that created the Regional Master.


<ASO> indicates a Master that contains Assessment, Gradebook, and Framework.


Secondary Import Units

Format: SIU_<QualCode>_<UnitCode>_<RegionCode>_Release#

Secondary Import Units store additional content and other items should a region wish to aid teachers in setting up their units by importing such content from another Connect unit.
They should be used in place of Regional Masters where the content is purely supplemental and has no impact on the Assessment or Grade Iin the Master initially used to populate the Class/Delivery Offering.


Class/Delivery Offerings

Single units

Format: CO_<QualCode>_<UnitCode>_<RegionID>_<YearSemesterID_Version>


Cluster Unit Name: FNS40615 (FNSTPB401/FNSTPB402 BAS and Payroll Cluster) 2019 Semester 1 TQB


Format: CO_<MCCCode>_<MicroType>_<RegionID>_<YearSem_Vers>

Unit Code: CO_MCC00014_BPX_TOL_2001_01

Unit Name: MCC00014 (Cyber Security Essentials) TOL 2020

RPL units

Format: RPL_<QualCode>_<UnitCode>_<RegionID>_<YearSemesterID_Version>


This is the unit of competency code. Not required for Micro-Credential units.


Used to identify units created to assist with gathering RPL materials.
The letters RPL must be included at the start of the Unit Code for the provisioning of Advanced Standing Under Assessment students in RPL Unit Availabilities to occur.


Micro-Credential units only.

Used to define the Type of Micro-Credential. To be ordered alphabetically.

B - Badged via Credentialate
P - Paid
X - External (delivery for 3rd party and no payment to TQ ie AWS)

Multiple Types can be used as necessary eg. _BP_ = a Badged (via Credentialate) and Paid MCC unit.


VBC (Virtual Business College)

VBC is used to identify Virtual Business College deliveries

