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The Learning Content module houses the content learners will interact with in developing knowledge and skills within a unit of competency. Learning content will be populated with Sub-Modules with headings based on their content being displayed in logical order.contains four or more sub-modules:

  • Learning Content

  • Learner Guide

  • Glossary

  • Acknowledgements

All Learning Content Subsub-Modules modules should be set to Completion status: Required Manual unless a content topic is considered non-essential to the student learning experience.

If the unit is Assessment Only (ASO) the Learning Resources Module Content module visibility should be disabled for a better student experience as learning materials will be added by a teacher to Additional Content.


titleMaster Product

The Master Product has a topic placeholder – which is to be replicated to cover each “topic” (i.e. an element of learning) in the learning resources of the unit.

Each topic is created as a sub-module of the Learning Resources module. Sub-submodules are only to be used where necessary to break up large topics. Links to content and activities appear as content topics within the module.

Remove the Master Product instruction from the topic place-holder before release.

titleRegional Product

When using regional product, first populate the template and structure indicated above, and then migrate your content into the topic structures within the Learning Resources module.

titleUnit Offering

Educators may supplement the unit offering by interspersing learning resources in the topic learning sequences as required – if they have the Educator or Assembler role within their unit. An educator is reverted back to the Educator (or Facilitator) role prior to delivery to enable more accurate reporting of educator participation in unit offerings via the Connect data analytics, as well as making the educator visible in the Class-list.


Learning Content

Learning Content consists of sub-module topics of made of all materials.

The sub-modules may include content in a range of formats.

Image Added

The learning resources contained in the Learning Resource modules can contain a mix of content and Connect activities, sequentially ordered.
