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TAFE Qld Masters

Single units


Single Unit Name: MTM40211 (FDFAU4001A Assess compliance with food safety programs - Futura) TQM01


Format: CM_<QualCode>_<ClusterCode>_TQM_Release#

Cluster Unit Code: CLMCM_CUV50111BSB50215_CLS-xxxBSB-xxx0011_TQM_01

Cluster Unit Name:CUV50111 (Cluster - CUVPRP501A & CUVRES502A BSB50215 (BSBADM502/BSBLDR501/BSBLDR503 Emotional Intelligence Cluster) TQM01

Breakdown of the code


This is placed at the start of the code to indicate a Connect unit that is used as a development shell rather than for student delivery. MO_for single unit, CLMCM_ for clusterclustered master.

Qualification Code – (Program):

This is the Qual code or SMS Course Availability Short Description. The program represents the contextualisation that occurred in the development of the master product. If the master is not contextualised, and program is not entered, then the middleware will insert “GENERIC” into the program part of the codeunit is delivered across multiple qualifications, GENERIC should be used. This is done to keep the code structure intact with the variables that make up the code in their correct places for reporting purposesIn SkillsTech's case, LIGHT and HEAVY are also acceptable considering they are made up of different content despite using the same qualification and unit codes.

Unit Code:

This is the unit of competency code for the Connect Master.


Indicates that this unit is a TAFE Queensland Master.


Indicates the a different release of this the Connect unit. Each contextualised master unit is created as release 001. A new release is created when there is a major change to content, assessments etc and the releases should be distinguished on Connect.

Cluster code:

This is the SMS Cluster Code (ie., CLS-HLT-0005)


Qualification to the left of the brackets. Competency  Unit code and name (or units and cluster and name) held within the brackets. TQM and the release number/version to the right of the brackets. Clustered unit names must include both Competency codes and the name of the cluster.


Regional Masters

Single Regional Masters made from Master Product


Format: CM_M_<QualCode>_<ClusterCode>_<RegionID>_<Vers>

Cluster Unit Code: CM_M_FNS40615CHC43415_CLS-FNSCHC-00010030_TQBTQN_01

Cluster Unit Name: FNS40615 (Financial Accounts Cluster) TQB01CHC43415 (CHCLAH001/CHCLAH002 Health and Leisure cluster) TQN01

Clusters made from Regional Product

Format: CM_R_<QualCode>_<ClusterCode>_<RegionID>_<Vers>

Cluster Unit Code: CM_R_FNS40615SIS40313_CLS-FNSSIS-0004_TQBTQEC_01

Cluster Unit Name: FNS40615 (BAS and Payroll Cluster) TQB01 SIS40313 (SISOCNE305A/SISOCNE303A Canoeing Skills) TQEC01

Breakdown of the code

MO_ or CM_

This is placed at the start of the code to indicate a Connect unit that is used as a development shell rather than for student delivery. MO_for single unit, CM_ for cluster.

R_ or M_

R denotes the unit was created from Regional product. M denotes the unit was created from Master product.

Qualification Code – (Program):

This is the Qual code or SMS Course Availability Short Description. If the unit is delivered across multiple qualifications, GENERIC should be used. This is done to keep the code structure intact with the variables that make up the code in their correct places for reporting purposes. In SkillsTech's case, LIGHT and HEAVY are also acceptable considering they are made up of different content despite using the same qualification and unit codes.

Unit Code:

This is the unit of competency code.


Indicates the Region that created the Regional Master.


Indicates a different release of the Connect unit.

Cluster code:

This is the SMS Cluster Code (ie., CLS-HLT-0005)

Breakdown of the name

Qualification to the left of the brackets. Unit code and name (or units and cluster name) held within the brackets. TQx and the release number/version to the right of the brackets.


Class/Delivery Offerings

Single units


Single Unit Name: 10364NAT (BSBWOR204 Use business technology – 2019 SLPET Sem 1) TQBTQB 

Clustered Offerings

Format: CLO_<QualCode>_<ClusterCode>_<RegionID>_<YearSemVers>


Cluster Unit Name: FNS40615 (FNSTPB401/FNSTPB402 BAS and Payroll Cluster) 2019 Semester 1 TQB

Breakdown of code


CO or CLO_

Placed at the start of the code to indicate whether the unit is a Cluster made from Master product, Regional product or is an offering for student delivery. CO_ for single unit, CLO_ for cluster.

Program Code – (Qualification):

This is the Qualification Code - Qual code or SMS Course Availability code. The program represents the contextualisation that occurred in the development of the master product. If the master is not contextualised, and program is not entered, then the middleware will insert “GENERIC” into the program part of the codeShort Description. If the unit is delivered across multiple qualifications, GENERIC should be used. This is done to keep the code structure intact with the variables that make up the code in their correct places for reporting purposesIn SkillsTech's case, LIGHT and HEAVY are also acceptable considering they are made up of different content despite using the same qualification and unit codes.

Unit Code:

This is the unit of competency code for the Connect Master.


Indicates the Region from where who is delivering the unit is delivered.


First two numbers indicate the starting year of the unit. 19 for 2019, 20 for 2020. The next two numbers denote the starting Semester identifier. 01 = Semester 1, 02 = Semester 2. If this is a rolling start availability, use the month (01 - Jan, 02 - Feb, etc) instead. 

The last three numbers indicate an instance/iteration/version for that unit of competency.

Breakdown of the name

Qualification to the left of the brackets. Cluster and name held within the brackets Unit code and name (or units and cluster name). Region and the release number/version, and/or delivery intake to the right of the brackets.
