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<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/content/enforced/334186-ELS_CUST_IA_PROPOSED_Carpentry_V1/Banner_Images/09_Assessments_cropped.jpg" alt="" title="" style="max-width: 100%;"><br><span style="font-size: 0.67em; line-height: 125%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">© TAFE Queensland</span></p> <p><strong style="font-size: 0.95rem; letter-spacing: 0.01rem;">Your assessment items for <em>{OrgUnitName}</em> are listed below.<br><br></strong><span style="font-size: 0.95rem; letter-spacing: 0.01rem;">Refer to your Unit Study Guide or the calendar on your unit homepage for assessment due dates. </span><br><strong></strong></p> <p>Be sure to read the instructions carefully for each item before submitting an attempt.</p> <p>You will be allowed two attempts at each assessment task. If you do not achieve a <em>Satisfactory</em> grade on your first attempt at an assessment, a task for your second attempt will be made available below.</p> <p><strong>For these Assessment tasks, you are required to:</strong></p> <p>Click on the links to your assessment items below and follow the instructions. Your assessment may include a variety of types of assessment e.g. quizzes, written assessment, third party reports, practical assessments, work placement etc.</p> <p>When answering quiz questions remember to save your work as you go. Once completed submit for marking.</p> <p>For other assessments download any relevant documents. Complete and submit (upload) the tasks as instructed. </p> <p>To view your results after your work has been marked, <a rel="noopener" href="https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/lms/grades/index.d2l?ou={OrgUnitID}" target="_blank">access the Grades tool</a>.</p> <p><strong>Plagiarism/Originality checking</strong></p> <p>If you are submitting a written assessment in Connect your assessment <p>Your assessment may be checkedreviewed by our online plagiarism checker prior to your teacherbefore marking it. This toolcheck checksis yourcompleted assessment to ensure that ityour work is your own work and producessources anhave originalitybeen reportcited. thatThe showscheck howwill muchalso ofdetect aif documentyour (assessment/essay/report etc.) is original, cited from other sources, or unoriginal by comparing it to books, journal articles, web pages and other student submissions. After your assessment has been checked a detailed report is generated and delivered to your teacherassessment is not your own and copied from:</p> <ul> <li>Books,</li> <li>Journals,</li> <li>Web pages,</li> <li>Other student submissions or,</li> <li>Generative AI.</li> </ul> <p>The results of the plagiarism checker will be provided to your educator. Your educator will contact you if they have any concerns about your assessment. For more information go to <a href="https://tafeqld.edu.au/news-and-events/news/2022/turnitin-turns-it-up" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="https://tafeqld.edu.au/news-and-events/news/2022/turnitin-turns-it-up">Turnitin turns it up (tafeqld.edu.au)</a>.</p> |
18. Draft Assignment Module Checker Banner Image