If any material is used under Parts VA or VB Section 113P the relevant notices must also be included - please see the Copyright Notices page for these notices.
Applies to anything exported as video. Existing videos lacking appropriate attribution must be followed by a paragraph containing appropriate attributions for all media present:
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For image attributions use the attribution for compilation images for all images used: Compilation or adapted image |
Actual video to be attributed with the following the TAFE Queensland Copyright Statement - Mandatory as part of the video (i.e. credits at the end):
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© TAFE Queensland [insert Year of first publication e.g. “2015” and remove brackets]
Copyright protects this material. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), reproduction by any means (photocopying, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise), making available online, electronic transmission or other publication of this material is prohibited without the prior written permission of TAFE Queensland.
Where third party material has been used under a license agreement with TAFE Queensland only, the following the Third Party Notice must be included as part of the copyright statement above: