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Note the following:

  • If this is your first time accessing Connect, you may not be enrolled yet. For example, if you are a college student, wait until the start date of the semester to log in. in any units yet.If the start date has passed and you are still unable to log in, contact your Registrar's Office to verify that you are enrolled and that you are using the correct login credentials regional LMS team to verify your Connect account is enrolled correctly.
  • If you receive a message that your account has been locked, this means that you have unsuccessfully attempted to log in to Connect six times. Try logging in again in 15-30 minutes.
  1. From a supported browser, browse to the URL provided by your organization.URL for Connect:
  2. Enter your Username and Password. Tip: If you forget your password, click Forgot your password. Your organization sends you a password reset link to the email address associated with the username you specifyPassword Manager from the login page. From here you can reset your staff network account to a new password.
  3. Click Log In.