16. a) WPL Attempt 2 (if required)
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<p>Please follow the instructions to access and submit your Assessment Task - Work Placement Student Logbook:</p> <ol> <li>Access your <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>.</li> <li>Carefully read the introductory information provided within the <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em>.</li> <li>Locate the relevant unit or cluster within the <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em> and review the task instructions.</li> <li>Complete the relevant task/s with your Placement Provider and collect any required documents and/or files.</li> <li>Have your Workplace Supervisor/s sign in the relevant section for the unit/cluster.</li> <li>Upload the Work Placement Student Logbook and any of the requested Supporting Evidence (if applicable) before clicking the <em><strong>Submit</strong></em> button. You can only upload documents once per attempt.<br><strong>Note:</strong> When submitting the Work Placement Student Logbook you must ensure the following sections are included: <ul> <li><em>Workplace Supervisor Log</em></li> <li><em>Placement Activity Log</em> (the checklist for this unit/cluster from each of the relevant parts)</li> <li><em>Log of Hours</em> (ensuring you have completed the required hours for this unit/cluster, if applicable)</li> <li><em>Reflection</em> (if required).</li> </ul> </li> <li>Your teacher will review your submission, complete any of the required components of your <em>Work Placement Student Logbook</em> and contact the Workplace Supervisor for verifications. Your teacher will then grade your submission and provide feedback.</li> </ol> <p><strong>If you do not achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in this attempt, please contact your teacher.</strong></p> <p>For further assistance with the assessment submission process, access the <a rel="noopener" href="https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/shared/help/2018/index.html" target="_blank">Connect Help</a> site.</p> |
16. b) WPL Rubric text
Nominated Workplace Supervisor
I have contacted the nominated Workplace Supervisor/s regarding the workplace tasks/skills and verified the student has performed the tasks/skills to an appropriate industry standard.
Work Placement Student Logbook Performance
The information contained within the Work Placement Student Logbook indicates that the student has satisfactorily performed the tasks/skills outlined for this unit/cluster.
17. Knowledge Questions - On Paper Submission (Attempt 1)