Deactivation Category Id | Course Stage Cd | Unit Stage Cd | Deactivation Date | Notes | ||||||
| ADM (Admitted) | ENR (Enrolled) | Max Unit Availability End Date, or | There are rare occurrences of students having ADM/ENR status but with no Unit Availability defined. These rows are ignored. | ||||||
| ADM (Admitted) | Anything other than ENR | Today + 60 days. | This will capture many students in the SMS who require their records to be updated, however it is considered safer to keep them Active based on the data in the SMS, than to try and reinterpret as to who should and shouldn’t be set Inactive. | ||||||
| COMP (completed) or | COMP (completed) | Where a Grade Applied Date is available, Max Grade Applied Date + 60 days, otherwise | Students can be be COMP at Course level, but never be graded at Unit level (ie. they were Exempt or Credited in all Units), hence the two methods to ascertain course completion date. | ||||||
| WD (withdrawn) or | WD (withdrawn) | Where a Unit Withdrawal Date is available, Unit Withdrawal Date + 60 days, otherwise |
| ||||||
| Anything else | Anything else | CrsSttsEffectiveDt + 0 days | Any other combination of Status will cause the students to be immediately deactivated. | ||||||
| Forced Status | Forced Status | ‘1990-01-01’ for forced Inactive students | These students are held in an exceptions table and their deactivation status is forced either Active or Inactive regardless of their SMS status. |