Whenever Master Product exists, it will be copied directly into a Delivery Offering.
In Connect, Master Product is copied from the TQ Product Development Network Master Copy into regional Delivery Offerings.
If there are multiple versions of Master Product, always copy the most recent version.
The most recent version of Master Product is copied into regional Unit Offerings for delivery.
Existing ‘regionalised’ versions of Master Product will no longer be used to populate Unit Offerings.
When Master Product exists, do not copy existing regionalised versions of Master Product into Unit Offerings for delivery.
Usage of Regional Products
If no Master Product exists, regional product can be used to populate a delivery Unit Offering.
When no matching Master Product exists, regional product may be copied into Unit Offerings for delivery
Until a regional product is updated to become Master Product, it may continue to be used as it currently exists (based on earlier/alternate versions of this guideline). When a regional product is updated to become Master Product, the product will adopt the guidelines laid out in this document — including use of the TQM Master Unit Framework. The unit will also be re-created in the TQ PDN Team with the naming suffix TQM, and the originating regional unit will be discontinued.