File name : BSBHRM506_UG_TQM_v1
BSBHRM506 | _QGUG | _TQM | _v1 |
Unit code | template type code (refer to table 1) | Region (Master Product) | Version (to identify alternative documents) |
Example: BSB50513_BSBHRM506_QGUG_TQNTQM_v1
Version Control
Template Version Number
A document version number used at the end of the naming convention is to identify the version of the document itself e.g. the Assessment Task for a unit BSBHRM506. The convention to follow is to simply include a ‘v’ followed by a number. As the document is updated, a new version number is added.
BSBHRM506_AT1_W_TQNTQM_v2 (v2 indicates that the original version has been updated)
For instances when an alternative assessment tool is required (e.g. re-assessment, online version in Connect, for a different learner cohort, or mode of delivery, or is customised for a partnership/auspice arrangement), the preference is to add ‘alt’ plus a sequence ‘no.’ to the end of the naming conventions.
BSBHRM506_AT1_W_TQNTQM_ALT2 (indicates that the assessment is an alternative assessment e.g. for re-assessment)
BSBHRM506_AT1_W_TQNTQM_ALT3 (indicates that the assessment is an alternative assessment e.g. for auspice/partnership arrangement)