Copy of new Acknowledgements

The module contains three (3) sub-modules:

  • Attributions — a bibliography of all copyright attributions, i.e. when a work that belongs to someone else has been copied into the unit. This page is then re-used in the citation field in Resourcebank.

  • Copyright Notices — contains mandatory copyright notices such as the TAFE Queensland Copyright Statement, or the Part VB notice (if Part VB material has been used), or a third-party copyright notice (if third-party material has been used).

  • References – contains reference citations, i.e. citing a resource that has been used as a source of information for writing original material, but no material has been copied.

All topics in this module should be set to Completion status: Not Required unless necessary.

A mandatory Copyright Statement will be applied to the Copyright-Notices sub-module and it will always be set to visible.

Attributions and References sub-modules may be set to not-visible is neither are required by the Learning Content.